Our Approaches

Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)

CEFROHT understands that unequal power relations and social exclusion deny people their human rights and keeps them in poverty. Therefore, uses Human Rights Based Approach to empower rights-holders to claim their rights, and support duty-bearers to meet their obligations. In this, CEFROHT identifies who has rights (rightsholders) and what freedoms and entitlements they have under the law, as well as the obligations of those responsible for making sure rights-holders are enjoying their rights (duty-bearers). Enforcing a “circle of accountability” throughout the policy cycle which helps to ensure that policies and programs are responsive to the needs of rights-holders.

Legal Empowerment And Social Accountability

CEFROHT strategically uses legal empowerment, especially the vulnerable for their adequate living rights. CEFROHT pursues a process of systemic change through which the poor and excluded in communities become able to use the law, the legal system, and legal services to protect and advance their rights and interests as citizens. This approach is used towards building accountability that relies on individuals and community engagement i.e. in which the ordinary citizen or CSOs participate directly in exacting accountability. CEFROHT engages communities, individuals, duty bearers, and civil society organizations [CSOs] in actions aimed at holding the State to account, as well as efforts by government and other actors [media, private sector, donors] to support and respond to these actions.

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