Request for Proposal No.3 2023 – 02 Entitled “Developing Simplified Version of the Human Rights (Enforcement) Act, 2019”

Date of Issuance:                                            05th April 2023

Closing Date for Questions:                           14 April 2023, 17hr

Closing Date for Submission of Application: 15 April 2023, 17hr

Subject: Request for Proposal No.3 2023 – 02 Entitled “Developing Simplified Version of the Human Rights (Enforcement) Act, 2019”

Dear Sir/ Madam,

You are kindly invited to submit a technical and financial proposal relating to CEFROHT’ project on Ensuring Sustainable access to Justice for Adequate Living Rights through Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability in Rural Communities in Uganda – Phase II. No. 3 2023 (with Appendices) hereby referred to      as the Project. All related correspondence for this proposal should be sent to: copied or hand delivered.

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